by Kenneth Harper Finton


    Something has to come into being within a dimension before it can exist. Otherwise, it would still be in the realm of dimensionless infinity.

At the very beginning of an idea, the universe has a point. This point has a purpose. It becomes the first-dimension. The point exists everywhere at once because that is all there is. The entire universe resides in it. The point exists even now in every corner of the universe. It is the eternal first-dimension. It is the foundation of experience from a timeless realm without a location. Space itself is unborn and appears in the second dimension. The point has the ability to be omnipresent by the simple fact that it is the only thing that exists.

Yet, our shared awareness cannot recognize or react to one thing alone because there is nothing to reference. At the very least, a singularity is unstable if not impossible.

A second-dimension only comes into being with the existence of at least two points—but the essential ingredient of awareness must present for observing, interpreting, and recording this information. This fact becomes even more obvious in the three-dimensional view where awareness is essential to separate the flat two-dimensional image of a circle from its background to envision a sphere with height, length, and width. In order to see a sphere, we have to see it from above and outside the image. It takes conscious awareness to do this. The second dimension requires dimensional awareness to exist. It exists upon a timeless plane with the entire universe and all its structure written in every part of space and every qubit of information by the first-dimensional point.

We have been taught to understand awareness as a product of evolutionary biology. Many think awareness is something that occurred from a chemical soup after molecules began to replicate and divide. Our ideas of awareness and consciousness are built around the idea of living beings, especially those with nervous systems. Some do not believe that plants have awareness, though they react to sunlight and propagate themselves. It takes subconscious mental powers to grow DNA into something that can be passed to offspring—and this does not necessarily mean the world is formed from intelligent design from a divine creator. Most awareness is subconscious. It is not necessarily produced from a self-reflective mind unless we consider the mid of nature itself is self-aware. Awareness comes before the mind.

Let us picture a mental universe that coexists with the physical universe. The physical universe is not a solid block of physical mass any more than the mental universe is a unified universal mind. Neither is true. The physical universe is composed of entities unique to themselves, just as the mental universe is made from separate levels of individual awareness each unique to themselves. Awareness is that which holds the knowledge of interactions and observations. As such, awareness precedes existence itself.

Yes, awareness comes first. For eons, this awareness may have held nothing at all because there was nothing of which to be aware. Each of us experiences the truth of this first hand. We come from a place that has no memories, no experience, and no existence until we are conceived, grow aware, and begin to form our identity. What we are before we are born is a field of awareness that has not come into identifiable form. Because awareness existed before we did, we were able to recognize, learn, and eventually become that which we are now. If our awareness did not exist before our birth, our birth would never have happened. So it is with all interactions and observations in nature and beyond. It takes awareness for anything to have physicality. That is why there are two states in existence, the mental and the physical. Both are separate aspects of the same reality.

To connect two points and form a line, information must pass between these points. Something or some non-thing must become aware of both points. Yet, this line is infinite because it has no length. We can see that there must be a form of knowing in the non-dimensional realm. It is not some void dimension that is without knowledge or thought of any kind. Left to itself, the vector of this line could go on forever or curve back upon itself to form an orbit. In the second dimension, there is no duration nor speed.

Because awareness is the one pre-existing condition essential for any form of energy to be perceived, awareness must be the original state of the universe. Awareness precedes essence. Awareness evolves into subconsciousness and consciousness.

A mental dimension for the positive point and a physical dimension for the negative point is part of the pairing of opposite states. These points are entangled. What happens to one happens to the other instantly because these points are still eternal and not in the dimension of time. Without time, no speed or duration exists. Each point, though duplicates of another, have different spins. Separate viewpoints evolve from that spin.

Awareness evolves into higher consciousness. This is confirmed by examination of the evolution of conscious life. This does not mean that awareness constantly knows everything in the universe, nor does it mean that there is a universal plan for advanced consciousness to inherit or evolve into a super-intelligence that is reserved for the attributes of a god. Self-awareness often rests. We sleep and we dream. We are not always consciously aware. We can conclude this is so by examining our awareness. Subconscious awareness is in charge of our autonomous systems that continue with or without self-awareness. The universe has evolved without self-consciousness for billions of years.

-Kenneth Harper Finton
Thursday, August 1, 2019, revised 8/29/2020