
Only about 60% of dog owners pick up after their pets, The 83 million dogs in the US generate more than 11 million tons of waste each year.

The real problem is that we view at the poop as waste rather that a resource that can be used and recycled for both compost and energy. Dog waste can be anaerobically digested to produce useful products.

The same biological process that makes compost of dog poo in used in Toronto, Ontario to produce a biogas that can be burned for energy. The residue can be used for compost for gardens, plants, and greenhouses. Toronto actually collects dog poop through a curbside bin program and makes a profit.

The dogs in the Denali National Park kennels produce around 50 pounds of poo each day. Alaska has had to deal with the problem for hundreds of years, as the natives have always had dog teams and the attendant problem of dog waste. Denali established a four-bin composting system where the nitrogen-rich waste is mixed with sawdust and/or leaves to provide the necessary carbon. This method—mixed with water, and rotated when it naturally heats up to 145 degrees—transforms the waste into a sweet smelling, earthy soil that is packed with nutrients. They use the soil to compost gardens and flowerbeds in the park.

When the microorganisms have broken down all the organic material, the compost pile is done “cooking”. This process can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks. The nutrient-rich material that is produced is called humus. It increases the nutrient content of soils and helps retain moisture.

San Francisco, with its 120,000 dogs produces 32 million pounds of poop per year. They began a program t divert dog waste into compost with biodegradable poop bags. The leader in that market is BioBags, who not only partnered with San Francisco but sells more than 19 million bags a year.

New York boasts the only dog park in the nation in which dog waste is processed right on the site. “This is the only one in the state and the city and possibly North America which has dog waste composting onsite completely handled by the people here at the park,” said Leslie Wright, the New York City regional director for the State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.

The park provides poop scoops and paper bags for people to pick up the waste and deposit into designated compost bins. Park staff takes it from there, mixing the waste with sawdust and transferring it to larger composting bins.

“The recipe for composting is to have a carbon source, a nitrogen source and mix them together,” Wright said. “The waste is then cooked and cured to kill microbes and pathogens. Eventually, it will be used as fertilizer for nearby gardens on Kent Avenue. But more importantly, it will keep waste and those ubiquitous plastic bags out of landfills.”

In Boulder, Colorado, Rose Seeman started up EnviroWagg and now process more than three tons of poop a year to make her product called “Doggone Good Compost”. They are planning to expand even further and partner with collectors such as Pet Scoop and Duty Calls.

There is also a booming market in biodegradable poop bags. BioBags sell more than 19 million bars each year. Regardless of the type of bag used, when dog poop degrades in a landfill, it produces the potent greenhouse gas methane that rises into the atmosphere and contributed to the problem of global warming.

Dog parks, doggie daycares, veterinarians, and shelters can recycle their dog waste for beneficial purposes. Doing the right thing always has its own reward.




DOG POO BLUES ©2017 Kenneth Harper Finton


G                                       A

Stepped in that old dog poo and got it on my shoe

C         D           C                               D

A one, a two, a dogetty-doodlely dew.

G                                         E          E7

Stepped in that old dog poo and got it on my shoe

C                                           D                          G

A  a dogetty-doodlely dew-dew-dew.




First you take your left foot and set it down.


Then you find your foot’s not touching the ground.

D                               D7

It has landed in a pile of poo …


Do-wha , do wha, do do de do.


Then you wipe your left foot in the grass


Twist it to the right, then to the left.

D D7

Shuffle all around and wipe it clean

G                   C               D

It’s so easy, see what I mean.

G                                      A

Stepped in that old dog poo and got it on my shoe

C         D           C                           D

A one, a two, a dogetty-doodlelly do.

G                                  E                       E7

Stepped in that old dog poo and got it on my shoe

C                       D                                 G

A  a dogetty-doodlely dew-dew-dew.




2   Some be like the sun – some be like the moon.

Some they got the shine – some they got the gloom.

“Good morning.”

3    Some be like the day – some be like the night.

Some they like to  stay – some they cannot light.

“Take warning.”

4    I don’t need much from no one,

I don’t need much at all.

I like to spend my time with people I love,

and wake in the morning to say with love:

“Good morning.”   “Good morning.”

5    Some be like the grape, some be like the vine.

Some they hold you close, some they like to twine.

Good morning.   Good morning

6    Some be like the bee – some be like the hive

Some they come to sting – some they come to light.

“Take warning.”      “Good morning.”

7    “Night time love, never seems to be enough

Daytime cares,  see it ’round me everywhere.

“Good morning.”      “Good morning.”

8     I don’t need much from no one,

I don’t need much at all.

9   Some they like it hot – some they like it cold.

Some they can be bought  – some they can’t be sold.

“Take warning.”    “Good morning.”

10      I don’t need much from no one,

I don’t need much at all.

“Good morning.”   “Good morning.    “Good morning.”   “Good morning.”



When Trump led the birther movement, he quickly learned how easy it was to gain a following from some of the most anti-intellectual and ignorant folks in the America. Unless he was truly fathered by an orangutan, as Bill Maher suggested, he also knew that what he was advocating was quite removed from the truth. More likely, he wanted to destroy Obama because of his race, as he had learned from his father about discrimination and prejudice and keeping the uppity Africans in their place.

Armed with the knowledge that Americans could be led and misled with the flimsiest of facts, he sailed that pirate ship to the presidency. Bully tactics, common to both authoritarian and insecure personalities, became his staple for knowing our his competition—”Little Marco”, “Lying Ted”, “Low Energy” George, “Crazy” Ben—all were impaled and fell before Trump’s vitriolic utterances.

He addressed ‘hot button’ issues like immigration, the danger of foreign terrorists, a woman’s right to choose her own life and destiny, gun control, black violence, and Mexican culpability for what he liked to call a disastrous American economy. Blacks lived in an inner city graveyard. Towns decimated from the loss of manufacturing jobs were living without hope and only he could add dignity to their undignified lives. He knew all this and, in his tiny heart, he thrived on it.

Not many educated people took Trump seriously. He was the clownish buffoon, the Lenny Bruce of the political world who mouthed his disjointed thoughts into something that occasionally resembled coherency. His orangish skin with white eye sockets was a strange new figure reminiscent of Batman’s Joker. His head, topped by a cultured comb-over of straw-like hair, begged us to question the nature of its reality.

He began his line of campaign promises with a pledge to build a wall between Mexico and the United States that would be paid for by Mexico. He would deport any Mexican illegally resident in the US. Some Mexicans, he mused, might be good people, but Mexico sent the criminals and the rapists to the United States to work the fields, drive the nails, mow the grass, plow the snow, build the pipelines, and make the beds.

He announced that he would ban Muslims from entering the United States. He would not accept immigrants from war-torn Mideast countries. He would be the Law and Order candidate and, most telling of all, he was the only one that would fix an America that was on a fast downward spiral into poverty and oblivion.

How could anyone take these policies seriously? Not even the opposing candidates questioned the legitimacy or possibility of these false promises. That most of his solutions were unconstitutional was not even considered. Hilary Clinton was, after all, ready to break the glass ceiling once and for all—until competition showed up in the urban scarecrow figure of Bernie Sanders. Bernie has a twenty-minute memorized speech that he delivered over and over, speaking about how the one-percent ruled the world, how Wall Street and the banks have ruined the economy while enriching themselves. He wanted health care for everyone as an American right, free college for the masses and called his program a political revolution.

The free college and Revolution grabbed the younger generation by the seat of the pant. All young people want a revolution. The older generation had lived through the revolution of the 70’s and had learned that revolutionaries are either destroyed of assimilated into the system. They never had a better answer that the imperfect system that we have now. By working inside, they found, they could profoundly change some things. The distribution of wealth was closely held by the well established rich. It seemed that nature itself had no qualms about severe inequality and chaos. One kid would eventually have most of the marbles.

Hillary Clinton, Trump realized, was not necessarily fated to be the ordained leader of the free world. If Bernie and a few minor party candidates could divide the vote, Trump could sail upstream with the wind at his back. All he needed was a string of bologna, some white bread with enough Russian dressing to make a palatable sandwich and he could force feed it down the throats of this who still refused to believe in him.

November 8, 2016, in the early hours of the evening, the world gasped as they learned that the United States had elected Clara Belle the Clown leader of the free world.

Trump’s bold-faced lies work for him now as much as they worked for him as a candidate. He consistently misleads the people. He will rationalize most anything.

No matter that there is no proof of voter fraud, millions of people voted illegally according to the new American Führer.

There are so many lies from his mouth, it is hard to remember them all. Instead of making America great, America is frightened that the country they have loved is about to become an alt-right wasteland. Trump’s cloddish footprints will soon be found all over the social landscape that we have worked so hard to create and protect all of our lives.

There is little doubt that Trump is the most unethical conman ever elected to the presidency. There is no doubt that his election was a huge error in judgment by some of the American people. They will learn to regret it as time progresses.

Americans have been politically divided for years, but the divide that separates us now are far more serious than any time since the Civil War. We live in dog time. Every day seems to be a month and every week a year. Liberties are being breached because no one had addressed the long term effects of such radically racist policies.

Courts are disrespected as the Executive Branch seeks to control all the government. Millions protest and march in the streets worldwide. The world is much less secure with Trump in power. This insecurity will surely erupt into violence in the future. Pent up emotions, like temperatures, can only be controlled so long before they come to a boil.

So far, demonstrations have been peaceful. People have listened to the words of John Lennon, who told us, “When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you—pull your beard, flick your face—to make you fight! Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.”

Trump has failed to consider is the indomitable spirit of the majority or Americans. He has also underestimated the power if the courts to protect our democracy. If he thought could stack the deck with his power players and ride his whirlwind to world domination, he thought wrong.

Much is wrong with society, but it is our society, not his. We reserve the right to build is as we see fit. We will iron out the wrinkles in our social fabric. We will make technology work for all of us, not the wealthy few.

The golden age of civilization is still ahead of us, not behind us.

We will persist.

We will resist.

We will win.