by Kenneth Harper Finton

How do children develop a sense of self?

The question was asked, “Did man invent mathematics or did he discover it?” We assume that mathematics springs from a universal source because the universe exhibits mathematical precision and patterns from the very start.

Before we can have a world, we need events. To have events we need an observer. To have an observation we need awareness of an object or an event. The essential quality for observation or interaction is to have awareness of an object. Observers are generally thought of as being people, but they can also be a system. An observer is a person or a system that observes. An interaction is an observation. It is part of the mental universe.

Alert awareness, then, is the first or the simultaneous cause. It is responsible for the recognition of an object and events. Objects and events exist in time and space. Awareness comes in myriads of forms and degrees. It is present in all living things. It is present as prehensions and in inanimate things. All things are produced by awareness in myriads of localized forms. When organized, awareness becomes consciousness. All things are formed from the eternal and non-material awareness which has always been present–as the eternal now is ever-present. This is where the concept of the world in the mind is most convincing. In order for there to have been an evolutionary path through the birthing of elements in stars, there had to be an observer.

As the positive numbers in the mathematical universe continue endlessly, the negative numbers continue endlessly as well. The sum of all these numbers negative and positive are zero, that is, the total mathematical value of the mathematical universe is zero. It has no numerical value, as it is not a thing and needs no value. For example, the sum of 1+2+3+4 subtracted from the sum of -1-2-3-4 equals zero. It has no value because it comes from its source in the non-dimensional. All the mathematical universes must add up to zero as well. In order for that to occur physically—to add up to zero—negative values must be paired with positive values.

When change occurs in the dimensional universe, that change is recorded physically by changes in the physical matter of the universe. [Rock hits a rock, and forms a crater. Cut your toe, feel the pain, see the injury.] My take is that the non-dimensional is both opposed to and complementary to the physical universe. It is the realm of thought, mathematics, and ideas. Data from the physical world is simultaneously coded and stored as data in the non-dimensional realm.

Matter behaves like both a particle and a wave. Matter is the temporal recording media of physical change. Events are coded physically and stored to form our mental experience. The dimensional process of thought and alert awareness constantly creates our consciousness in the present moment.

The dimensional universe creates a boundary that limits infinity to localized viewpoints.