A Dream Dreamt by a Distant Dreamer

Living is not an illusion, nor is it real.
It is more like a dream dreamt by a distant dreamer.
Eternity is the time measure of space
and space the place where time resides.

Temporal means temporary.
This is not a curse nor a reason for despair
because it is a dream dreamt by the dreamer
that is neither real nor an illusion, certainty, or chimera.

This is a dream dreamt by a distant dreamer.
We live it now, we lived it then,
as we will live it on the morrow.

We call it truth, though it is not,
as time and space are one––
once contracted into a point––
presently expanded and stretched toward infinity.

Truth cannot be found in one place
for it is the combined knowledge of the sum of its parts.
In order to be a truth, all known perspectives must agree.
In order to be false, the charged point must disagree with known facts,

Reality is certainty, palpable,
perceivable and solid,
designed by a mind, for a mind.
Reality is the evolution of a mind
through space and time.

This is a dream dreamt by a distant dreamer.


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